All endorsement applications are to be submitted by (or on behalf of) an active BSG member of good standing. The course, meeting or resource must be relevant and important for members of the Society. Events should have educational benefits for BSG members, at the discretion of the BSG Education Committee. 

The content of the course or meeting must not have any restrictions or qualifying requirements imposed by any commercial sponsor.

If the course or meeting is not primarily aimed at trainees, please ensure you have sought CPD approval from one of the Royal Colleges.

Our endorsement policy is outlined here.

To apply for endorsement, complete and submit the online form located on that page.


A course or meeting will not be considered for endorsement if it is scheduled to be held within 6 weeks either side of the BSG Annual Meeting. In addition, a course or meeting with live endoscopy will not be considered for endorsement if it is scheduled to be held within 6 weeks either side of BSG Endoscopy Live.